ADOPT-IPM aims at the development, optimisation and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) measures and packages, and ultimately a reduction of the dependency of farmers on conventional chemical pesticides.
Project summary
The widespread use of chemical pesticides had reached a critical point where the balance has tipped from enhancing agricultural production to threatening the environment, human health and non-targeted organisms. To address this problem, environmentally-sound and sustainable pest management methods, such as bioprotection products, have been developed but adoption by farmers has been slow.
ADOPT-IPM focuses on four key crops, namely: tomato, leafy vegetables (cabbages and lettuce), maize and wheat. The choice of crops is based on their economic importance in Europe and China and their current pest management methods relying largely on chemical pesticides.

The project is funded under the Horizon Europe framework programme for a period of four years (December 2022-November 2026).
Work packages
Starting in December 2022, ADOPT-IPM works through the following six workpackages:
- Ensure knowledge transfer, training and dissemination to key stakeholders
- Optimise existing IPM measures and practices
- Develop new IPM measures
- Evaluate uptake and impacts of the IPM measures
- Assess and demonstrate the innovative and optimised IPM measures and packages
Find out more
For more information about the ADOPT-IPM project, including the goals and objectives, governance, publications and news, please visit the project website.
Our Partners

Acta is a unique association in Europe that has been driven by farmers for over 60 years. ACTA accompanies, leads and represents the network of 19 Agricultural Technical Institutes, applied research organizations working for all agricultural animal and plant production, and an innovative and efficient Research and Development network.

Acta Digital Services has developed a complete offer of design and development of solutions to meet all digital needs.

AgriNewTech , born as a spin-off from University of Turin, is a company working in the field of agricultural and environmental biotechnologies. It offers services and innovative products in the field of sustainable crop protection and valorisation of organic wastes and by-products, composts and horticultural substrates for their optimal use in agriculture.

Agrobío is a leading company in the production of both bumblebees for pollination and auxiliary arthopods for biocontrol. Leadres in the Spanish market, their international market share is increasing fast, thanks to their hight-quality products, a qualified R&D department and excellent technical staff offering advice to growers.

Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences (AAAS) is an agricultural research institution run by the provincial government. It has 14 specialized research institutes, the research area including breeding of main crops, plant protection, agricultural economy and information

Arcadia International© is a multidisciplinary consultancy dedicated to the food and feed value chain. Arcadia consists in a network of consultancies and technical research institutions.

CABI is an international, inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization that improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.

The Interprofessional Technical Centre for Fruits and Vegetables (CTIFL) , is the reference in France in applied research for the fruit and vegetable sector, from production to distribution. Main mission is to help professionals meet the challenges of sustainable production and consumer satisfaction in a constantly changing, increasingly competitive and demanding context.

Ghent University is a pluralistic university. The Molecular Entomology research group at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Department of Crop Protection, is a comprehensive research group dedicated to fundamental and applied research on pest and beneficial insects, with a major interest in understanding and overcoming the barriers of RNAi in insects.

Based in France we are a producer of beneficals insects such as Chrysoperla lucasina and biostimulants. IF TECH participates in the protection of nature thanks to our natural solutions in order to preserve the ecosystem and the environment.

Imperial College London , Centre for Environmental Policy provides a unique research interface between science, technology and the economic and policy context related to the environment. The Environmental Security and Governance Group works on biosecurity, land use policy and food security issues and links between them.

A subsidiary of the French National Institute for Research in Agronomics, INRAE Transfert is a technology transfer and project engineering company that promotes innovations in food, agriculture and the environment.

Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) is a public research institute affiliated to the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the regional Government of Catalonia, Spain. It was founded to promote research, innovation, technological development, and knowledge transfer in the agrifood sector and to stimulate collaboration between public and private stakeholders.

Les Paysans de Rougeline , 196 families of fruit and vegetable producers located in the South of France and grouped in cooperatives.

TERRA – the research unit of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (agricultural faculty of the University of Liège), is a unique interdisciplinary research centre in Belgium that studies and develops biological engineering in the fields of agri-food, agriculture, biotechnology, environment and forestry. One of the main objectives of TERRA is to develop transversality and exchanges between researchers from different disciplines.

University of Catania is the oldest university in Sicily. It is placed at the heart of the Mediterranean basin, a unique centre for cultural and natural heritage. The Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) aims to support and enhance sustainability, efficiency and productivity in agriculture, food production and environment protection through impact cutting-edge research and high-level education.

Wageningen University & Research is a collaboration between Wageningen University and the Wageningen Research foundation. The mission of Wageningen University & Research is ‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’.

Yunnan Agronome Technology Co., Ltd.

Yunnan University (YNU) was one of the top national comprehensive universities in China. YNU has carried out comprehensive cooperation and exchanges in various fields with many institutions from the United States, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, as well as from others in Asia.