
Contributor: CABI
Date Compiled: 2024
Creative Commons "Attribution-Share Alike"
Image copyright: Public Domain - Released by Takahashi/via Wikimedia Commons


Plant trees as barriers around fields
Deep plough after harvest to expose in-soil hibernating pupae.
Rotate maize with non-cereals, such as legumes.


Early detection
If about 1 to 3 small larvae are found per 10 plants consider control action.
Older up to 3 cm light brown caterpillars with narrow white dorsal line eat large areas of leave edges, leaving leaf blades, or eat up entire leaves. Direct control is then often too late.


Place MFE black light lamps around field to interfere with adult moths` flying path when immigrating in large numbers.
Pour kerosene around maize field to repel

Solution Product Category Application Details and Notes (commercial product example)
Release parasitic flies (Exorista civilis)
Release parasitic flies 2 to 3 times in weekly intervals (Exorista civilis order at Taobao) Release when caterpillars are 1 to 2 cm small.

Regulations surrounding chemical products can change rapidly – always verify chemicals recommended here with the most recent legislation and lists of products registered for your country
Solution Product Category Application Details and Notes (commercial product example)
Synthetic insecticide
Such as 灭百可 10%EC, 安绿宝 10%EC,兴棉宝 10%EC, 赛波凯10%EC, and others. Pyrethroid group, contact insecticide. Spray 灭百可 at 0.37 ~ 2.33g active ingredient per mu with water according to product label. Apply flat spray with good coverage to reach young larvae.
Fenitrothion-based products
Synthetic insecticide
Fenitrothion-based products (such as 杀螟松 12%EC, and others). Organophosphate group of contact pesticide
The information made available here has been obtained from or is based upon sources believed by CABI to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Anyone acting or relying on such information does so entirely at their own risk. The efficacy of the IPM methods included above will depend on local conditions and might not always be suitable everywhere within the specified country.