Migratory locust

Contributor: CABI
Date Compiled: 2024
Creative Commons "Attribution-Share Alike"
Image copyright: Phonon.b/via Wikimedia Commons


Surround or rotate maize fields with cotton or flowering crops such as alfalfa which locusts do not like.
Plant oil crops, such as castor-oil plants to attract natural enemies (such as birds) against locusts.


Search for and count young less than 3 cm locusts in 5 parts of a maize field in the mornings once a week at young and vegetative crop stages.
At less than 10 young locusts per 10 m2, control is usually not needed.
At 10 to 50 young locusts per 10 m2 of young maize capture locusts by sweeping net; or apply biological methods
At more than 50 adult or young locusts/10 m2, consider chemical control options.
If many swarms of adult locusts invade your field, you cannot do much anymore.


Sweep net adult locusts. Roast captured locusts 

Solution Product Category Application Details and Notes (commercial product example)
Metarhizium anisopliae oil suspension
Biological insecticide
Metarhizium anisopliae oil suspension biopesticide (such as BSP). Usually at 250-500ml/hectare but double check product label). Spray early morning to avoid negative effect of sun on product
Nosema locustae
Microbiological insecticide
Nosema locustae fungal biopesticide (such as BSP). Usually at 2.5 x 109 conidia per hectare but double check product label). Spray early morning or late evening to avoid negative effect of sun on product.

Regulations surrounding chemical products can change rapidly – always verify chemicals recommended here with the most recent legislation and lists of products registered for your country
Solution Product Category Chemical Group IRAC Code
Synthetic insecticide
Pyrethroids and pyrethrins
Fenitrothion products
Synthetic insecticide
Organophosphate group
The information made available here has been obtained from or is based upon sources believed by CABI to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Anyone acting or relying on such information does so entirely at their own risk. The efficacy of the IPM methods included above will depend on local conditions and might not always be suitable everywhere within the specified country.