
Contributor: CABI
Date Compiled: 2024
Creative Commons "Attribution-Share Alike"
Trialeurodes vaporariorum (whitefly, greenhouse); Infestation on leaf. Image copyright: ©Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University/via Bugwood.org - CC BY 3.0 US


Solution Product Category Production stage (if possible with reference to BBCH scale) Max nb. of a. i. application/year Application Details and Notes (commercial product example)
Use proper supply of N fertilization
Routine agronomic practice
Treat throughout the growing season
Observation: presence/absence
Rotate crops with vegetables such as celery, spinach, rapeseed, and garlic sprouts to reduce the source of overwintering insects.
In greenhouse seedling cultivation, weeds and remaining stumps and dead leaves should be thoroughly removed, insect-proof nets should be added to the ventilation holes to control foreign insect sources and cultivate insect-free seedlings.
Avoid planting with cucumbers and beans.
Increase ventilation and control humidity.

Use resistant varieties (such as Tigress, Wanfeng 2)


Chemical treatments: in areas with a high risk of virosis, treat the beginning of the infestations.
Yellow board Monitoring practices: After the tomatoes are planted, yellow boards are used to monitor the dynamics. The yellow boards are set between the rows at the same height as the plants. 10 yellow boards are set per mu and replaced every 45 days.
Honda conducted a fixed-point survey to detect whitefly adults on the young leaves that unfolded at the top of the plant. The survey was conducted every 3-5 days, with 10 leaves surveyed at each point.
When there are 5-10 adult insects on each leaf of the upper leaves of tomatoes, pesticides should be used for prevention and control in time.
Control threshold is 10-20 plants showing symptoms per acre and/or at least 20 whiteflies on at least 10-20 plants per acre (Bemisia tabaci)
Use photoselective plastics with an insect repellent effect.


Solution Product Category Production stage (if possible with reference to BBCH scale) Max nb. of a. i. application/year Application Details and Notes (commercial product example)
Fermented chili and garlic liquid
Biological insecticide
Spray fermented chili + garlic liquid and leave in the sun for a week, using a concentration of 0.5-1 liter per 20 liters of water
Beauveria bassiana
Microbiological insecticide
Encarsia formosa
Parasitoid (Macro-BCA)
Treat at the first appearance of pests
2 or 3
Chrysoperla carnea
Predator (Macro-BCA)
Treat at the first appearance of pests
2 or 3

Regulations surrounding chemical products can change rapidly – always verify chemicals recommended here with the most recent legislation and lists of products registered for your country
Solution Product Category Chemical Group IRAC Code
Pyrrochloridone and Thiamethoxam
Synthetic insecticide
Pyrpromide and Dinotefuran
Synthetic insecticide
Synthetic insecticide
The information made available here has been obtained from or is based upon sources believed by CABI to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Anyone acting or relying on such information does so entirely at their own risk. The efficacy of the IPM methods included above will depend on local conditions and might not always be suitable everywhere within the specified country.