Sharp eyespot disease in wheat

Ceratobasidium cereale (syn. Rhizoctonia cerealis)
Contributor: CABI
Date Compiled: 2024
Creative Commons "Attribution-Share Alike"
Image copyright: Paul Bachi, University of Kentucky Research and Education Center,


Before planting, remove crops rests (wheat, maize, bean) from the soil surface to reduce disease rests. However, it is generally not advised to plant wheat in fields with disease history.
Sow winter wheat about 10 days later to escape main disease infection period. Because wheat is the main crop in winter fields, disease spread from grasslands is possible.
Rotate with non-cereal crops as they are not hosts of this disease


Plant resistant varieties (such as YuMai10th)
Monitor once a week from seeding to green vegetative stage
In early February to April, leaf infections increase rapidly during humid weather.
Before green vegetative stage, consider green measures when disease symptoms of leaf sheaths reach 20-35%.
At green vegetative stage, consider chemical measures, when disease symptoms on leaves reach 15-25%.


Solution Product Category Application Details and Notes (commercial product example)
Bacillus subtilis NJ-18 strain, or EDR4
Microbiolocical fungicide
Spray biopesticides based on Bacillus subtilis NJ-18 strain, or EDR4 strain 枯草芽孢杆菌 to reduce further disease spread. Make sure you use strains that are active against eyespot disease. Spray at early disease stage, at a rate of 10 g/mu, but double check product label. Apply a uniform spray, before 10 am or after 4 pm to avoid direct sunlight. Spray at minimum 7-12 day intervals, 1 or 2 times. This biopesticide may be combined with fungicides.

Regulations surrounding chemical products can change rapidly – always verify chemicals recommended here with the most recent legislation and lists of products registered for your country
Solution Product Category Application Details and Notes (commercial product example) Chemical Group Risk resistance (FRAC Code)
Triadimenol (seed dressing)
Synthetic fungicide
Seed dressing with Triadimenol (三唑醇) based product (such as艾泰斯, 98% powder, 百担). Systemic. Usually applied as 15-25% dry seed dressing at 2.5 to 20g/kg
Synthetic fungicide
For example 富力库, 25% EW,15 to 20mL mix with 45L/667m2 water; or QQ丰 25% SL diluted 2500-3500 times
Sterol-biosynthesis Inhibitors
The information made available here has been obtained from or is based upon sources believed by CABI to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Anyone acting or relying on such information does so entirely at their own risk. The efficacy of the IPM methods included above will depend on local conditions and might not always be suitable everywhere within the specified country.