Wheat powdery mildew

Contributor: CABI
Date Compiled: 2024
Creative Commons "Attribution-Share Alike"
Blumeria graminis (powdery mildew of grasses and cereals); Powdery mildew on leaf with cleistothecia present. Image copyright: ©Phil Sloderbeck, Kansas State University/via Bugwood.org - CC BY-NC 3.0 US


Solution Production stage (if possible with reference to BBCH scale)
Wide crop rotations
In case of infection, clean up crop residue to prevent overwintering of mildew. In case no major pests or diseases, leave residues in the field to improve soils.
Plant non-dense, for example 225 plants/m2 because dense vegetation may be conductive for spread of disease

Use resistant varieties, such as Zhengmai 366, Zhoumai 18, Zhengyumai 9987, and others.


Monitor from late February from wheat heading period until pustulation period.
Choose 10 random points in the field. At every point investigate 3 to 5 plants. Monitor once a week
Consider action when early first white spots occur on 5-15% of all plants.


Remove the infected leaves or plants, if few.

Solution Product Category Application Details and Notes (commercial product example)
Bacillus subtilis
Microbiological fungicide
Spray Bacillus subtilis (枯草芽孢杆菌). Make sure to choose a product with the right strain, such as strain E1R-j. Spray suspension on the leaves uniformly in the early period of powdery mildew. A mu needs 300 to 600g Bacillus subtilis. Dilute 1 billion CFU Bacillius subtilis dilute 1000-1500 times.

Regulations surrounding chemical products can change rapidly – always verify chemicals recommended here with the most recent legislation and lists of products registered for your country
Solution Product Category Production stage (if possible with reference to BBCH scale) Application Details and Notes (commercial product example) Chemical Group Risk resistance (FRAC Code)
Synthetic fungicide
Spray in the early stage of disease.
Chemical group: Sterol biosynthesis membranes Morpholines; systemic action. Usually applied at 750g/1000l dilution per ha
Amines - IBE-Class II morpholines
Low to medium risk (5)
Synthetic fungicide
Spray in the early stage of disease.
For example 粉锈宁 15% triadimefon wettable powder. Systemic action. Usually applied at 8.75g-15g (35-60g miscible oil) /75-100L water
The information made available here has been obtained from or is based upon sources believed by CABI to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Anyone acting or relying on such information does so entirely at their own risk. The efficacy of the IPM methods included above will depend on local conditions and might not always be suitable everywhere within the specified country.